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How outsourcing Managed IT Services Saves You Money


Compelling data from the International Data Corporation shows that managed IT can result in significant monetary advantages for your business. The IDC surveyed various companies that had implemented managed IT. The findings were compelling as some firms experienced 224% return after a three-year investment.

Ways Managed IT will Help Your Business

Based on the IDC’s data, four distinct areas of businesses gain from managed IT. These areas include:

IT Personnel Productivity

When implementing Managed IT, companies will retain some in-house IT staff. That gives them the best of both worlds. The in-house team will provide the advantage of institutional knowledge, and the managed IT team will enable your business to scale up or down during business fluctuations. Besides reducing overall costs, managed IT provides quick services for companies.

User Productivity

There are two ways in which user productivity gains from managed IT services Canada. This service boosts the efficiency of processes and eliminates downtime. Of the study participants in the IDC survey, user productivity had an annual benefit of $203,111 for every 100 users. That proves this service guarantees increased productivity.

Business Productivity

The IDC survey also discovered firms that implemented managed IT service increased their business productivity by $6,256 for every 100 users. This service boosts business productivity by:

  • Reviewing the current setup
  • Implementing a continual improvement mindset
  • Using new techniques and technologies to enhance operations

Mostly, many entrepreneurs lack the expertise or time to employ these steps. With the assistance of a managed IT service provider, they can efficiently actualize their business objectives.

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